Shelby is my girlfriend.!

This happened once before. I started dating her on November 5th 2023, and then we broke up on April 8th 2024. When I got with her, I wasn't quite over my ex Sydney. When I broke up with her, I had pretty much written Sydney off. Now, I am back to not being over Sydney.

I do like Shelby, very much so.

At this moment in time, I don't think I'm gonna blow it. I do really think I want to be with her, despite what I said in my first paragraph. I don't know. Sydney really changed me. I really haven't been at peace since. It still feels like there is so much to unpack. I struggle to be honest with myself, and therefore, others.

It makes me feel awful.

Awful in the sense that I'm a fundamentally bad person

As of now, I feel happy with where I am, but I know myself too well, and I know that feeling of content won't last. I'll start longing for something more, something different, or, worst of all, longing for Sydney. The one I thought was for me.

What Is Love?.mp3

It all feels so insignificant when I think about where my life is presently.

I'm gonna be a choir director????

walking past the band room really, REALLY made me reconsider....

why tf can't I just do both? fr?

I do feel happier than I've felt in a very long time

I think I'm done thinking. for now. maybe later I'll think some more.

Fuck I hope I don't hurt anyone this time